The only tool you need & all in one simple package.
Make a free TradingView account and sign up with us to get advanced charts on any market. Works on any device and it's all real-time data.
Our Pricing
Select "Get Started" for more detailed information.
Once you purchase a plan for your PRO membership, you will receive an email with confirmation of your purchase. Please allow up to 6 hours for our team to grant access with the Tradingview ID and Discord ID you provided on your order! It works on the free plan of TradingView, you don't need to upgrade to use the indicators.
You will also recieve access to the PRO section of our Discord server where we provide trading signals, optimization, and a full community experience with lifetime updates to the tools you use.
Pulse Algo works on any market internationally including stocks, indices, forex, futures, currencies and commodities on all timeframes including 1m, 5m, 30m, 1H, 4H, 1D, 1W, etc.
You can employ our tools for scalping, swing trading, or even trading options. The tools we provide are fully customizable and are developed to fit any style of trading!
Simply no, no tool or calculated measure will gaurantee success. Customers use our tools to capture unique perspectives of markets but should not follow our technology blindly.
Yes, if you're new to trading you can certainly use our tools with ease.
We have many easy to follow tutorials & guides for you to use as a beginner and get you started out on the right track.
Yes, if you're a seasoned trader you will definitely benefit from the insight our tools provide!
Our monthly package is $57/month but you can save big (up to 35%) when purchasing quarterly, yearly, and our new lifetime subscription options.
What our users say
At first, I was concerned about the price but now that i've been using Pulse for over a month I can say it's worth every penny. It's insanely customizable to your charts, super simple to use, and the best part is i made my entire months subscription cost back on the 2nd day. Can't beat that.
I can't say enough about how thankful I am for the team over at Pulse. For the first time I feel like i'm really on top of the stocks I trade. Not only that but the admins and community in the discord have answered my questions promptly. Very happy customer!
This is a super helpful indicator, really helps provide confirmation to my analysis on when to pull the trigger on a trade. Even better is the community where members share their analysis and trades, that's worth the price alone!
I'm a long term investor and Pulse has completely changed how I view my portfolio in a good way. I've never had this much clarity and it gives me another level of confirmation. Support is great!
To all my fellow intraday and swing traders out there. This is where you need to be. Non-repaint and works freaking wonders! Can't recommend this enough and has single handledly given me the edge I needed. I recommend subscribing on a quarterly basis, definitely worth the price!